Conversation Between Linka and ARChan

3 Visitor Messages

  1. if you got Teen-nick on your tv, check it occasionally for the show. its pretty good. its amusing to watch, and it has tips on how to survive school! i say that's win-win for people watching that still be in school. i wish they'd make a sequal series focusing on college, since i'd think there's be some differences between that and middle/high school.
  2. -moving discussion to over here-

    I don't know what that show is XD
  3. ARchan, check the topic i made in the fan works section. Ami got recreations done of my two charas! woot! i cant save pics right now, not easily anyway, and im not sure what ones there would even be of good use to you, soon as possible go find the link, unless Ami PMs it to ya, and dig through em for what ya need, alright? apparently ya got today, and maybe tomorrow to do it.
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