Conversation Between DemonMike and Limbo_lag

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Yep! I think we did that code protect if I'm not wrong. My username is limbolag, feel free to add me if you'd like :P
  2. Ah my bad! The forest EM right? Most of my concentration gets taken up having to be the messenger boy of a party if there's a mix of Japanese and English players!

    But yeah, I'm Dhomo, one of the only male newmans around =3. What's your username in-game? I'll hit you up with a friend invite and play some games some time!
  3. Was Eden O_O
  4. Heyo! Inaam? Kamekur? SOMEBODY ELSE? D=
  5. :O So you're Dhomochevsky. Saw you in that urgent an hour ago.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5