Conversation Between Nurusanura and Peejay

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. If I can have time with you away from that, VVV, we'd be good.
  2. Sorreh :P
  3. All I feel is jelly.
  4. "her phone"
    When you say it like that, it does make more sense. :|
  5. Well yeah i am legally allowed but my mom would pitch a fit about me downloading stuff on her phone. Lol
  6. Well, yeah, I guess. But aren't you old enough to legally do that crap yourself? Or are you lying and you're actually ten? Augh, jailbait!
  7. Well my mom deleted it but ill get it again lol i gotta clear up some room on the phone first. But chances are she will just get pissed at me and delete it again, then wont allow me to use it anymore.
  8. Well, I'd suggest your phone. You said it has skype, and if you're in range of Wifi, it can use that to connect and call. I think you'd have to start it to me. I'd be nervous if I screwed up.
  9. Ahhh i wish i could too!
  10. I just wish you were able to get on for maybe a call or something. Feels like I'm talking to myself like this.
  11. Lol i know. I can be really random at times.
  12. You have a strange sense of humour.
  13. True! Weenie Hut Jr.'s!!!! Lmao!
  14. That might be a good thing? If it's a tryhard elitist faggot group like us, we don't want everyone coming in because they think it's a group about spongebob, right?
  15. Hmmm i dunno i can think of a serious name but i prefer something that would be more catchy. Lol if its too serious i dont think people would even recognize us as much.
  16. Oh, one more thing. Why do you want silly names for the group? I want to know the reasoning here. I also want you back on your computer because I feel just a touch lonely.
  17. We both know that's a myth. Also, I think I saw it in CB.
  18. Whaaaaaaat!? Lol damn im all out of funny names then, okay okay last one... We shall be called.... Get ready...... Here it comes! "Free Healthcare!" ... O_O
  19. I'm not exactly a fan of bacon, either.
  20. Ahhh maaan! So can we be the Bacon of Hope?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 44
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