Conversation Between Aerilas and AlexCraig

13 Visitor Messages

  1. True.
  2. Ah, I hadn't clicked on it a second time. They're full size then

    (Did you find these on PSOW itself btw? Good job nonetheless)

    So it's only HDing them and dividing up I guess (if HDing is possible).
    Another thing I might recommend is deleting the "C Sonic Team/Sega 2000,2002" from the back side. We only have 1 chance and wouldn't want them to decline cuz of legal matters :/
  3. I'll see what I can do. The pictures shown, once clicked, can be seen full-size. I'll try to divide them up when I can.
  4. What I would ask is if you could cut them up into single 1photo per card files. Same for the card box i guess.

    If you could get them in higher definition it would be really nice too

    (I suck at pc work)
  5. Holy f*** I just had a nerdgasm
    That olga flow is so... wow!

    want to continue this over pm?
  6. AHA!! I found where I found the images!
  7. Ah. I've already tried this a while ago. To no avail. They're pretty damn hard to find, if they're even possible to find
  8. i'm going to take this as a no, you don't have it anymore
  9. Hello Nico,

    Thank you for your enquiry, we do offer a bespoke trading card printing service.
    However there are some limitations to what we can offer on small quantities.
    Please call or email me so we can discuss your requirements and how Cartamundi might be able to help you.


    John Langley
    Game and CCG Sales Manager

    Cartamundi UK Ltd

    Does this motivate you to search? :P
  10. I just sent a mail to the last place I know that could print it out. I am currently awaiting a reply.
    I doubt i'll get these pictures without confirmation of being able to print it I guess? :/
  11. See, now with that in mind, I want to actively do so, but you'd have to make 2 decks XD 1 for you and one for me! XDD
  12. I would appreciate it greatly, because I think I know of a place not too far away from where I live where they can print it on card paper.
  13. Possible to let me know if you do find them?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13