Conversation Between l3iohazard and slax

14 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks
  2. haha, finally caught each other, all done
  3. ok ok right now
  4. wait wait, I'm back! XD
  5. ahhh just missed you lol >_>
  6. ok sounds good
  7. hey man, I'm online right now, if you're free, we can get this trade done
  8. sorry man, couldn't get on during the week, was workin. Weekend's here now, so I should be able to stay online for long enough to trade. If you see me online, give me a message and I'll grab my DS
  9. hey are we even going to trade? I added you
  10. ya right now would work
  11. Hmm, well I wasn't free then, but I'm free now if ya wanna trade (this is aroundabout the time I'll be available for the rest of the week excluding tomorrow)
  12. OK cool I'm not sure on your time zone so would be available in 5 hours exactly from this message? If not, that's fine we can easily reschedule.
  13. well, mobius plate for one divine swift sounds like I'm getting ripped off... but considering that I have no use for the plate and I do need that swift and that I really doubt I'm actually going to be offered a noble cloak... Then, sure, why not. If you're all good with that, send me a PM with times you can come online and I'll try work something out.
  14. hey divine/swift for the 4 slotted mobius plate?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14