Conversation Between AlexCraig and Nights93

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Things are alright. Just busy.
  2. how ya been lately alex? havent talked u in a min
  3. Thanks
  4. congrats on the spotlight!!
  5. thanks
  6. No. Only way you can get a custom avatar is to win a contest.
  7. hey alex is there a way i can upload my own avatar?
  8. Rec Center.
  9. thats not bad at all u work at a school?
  10. Janitor is alright. I get above minimum wage. If I was working my old hours, I'd be getting more cash. As it stands, I work 2 days a week for about 5-6 hours each.
  11. yea i hear gamestop pays crap and ur job pays pretty good
  12. I hear GameStop is crap to work at. Kinda like Wal Mart. I'm lucky to be a janitor in these times.
  13. yea i wanted to work at game stop or sumthin like that cus thats what i do but im not old enough i dont know what i wanna do next but i dont wanna work at MC Donalds
  14. Ah. I know how that can be.
  15. not much tryin to find a job
  16. Not much. You?
  17. sup alex
  18. nvm i was talking about psu on xbox live thanks tho
  19. A rare mission? What are you talking about?
  20. do you know the requirements to get a rare mission?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 22
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