Conversation Between Calliope and Alice112

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Its only been a rumor so far, but I hope it is true
  2. Free PSU?Awesome!
    I didn't hear that?
  3. Oh! Did you hear that Sega is planning on releasing PSU: Ambition of the Illuminus as a free download at some time? I think it may be this year, but I don't know.
  4. Oww......
    Well I can sleep but Iam lazy for woke up
  5. I'm alright, didn't sleep very well last night, kept waking up. How about yourself?
  6. Heya!
    Still sleepy?
  7. Believe it!
  8. Hospitals are no fun
  9. Iam fine,I hate hospital!
  10. My work is alright, not too busy but not too quiet, which is good. My days go by fairly quick
    How have you been?
  11. Well,how are your work?
  12. That sucks. Long and boring days are never any good, especially when you have many in a row
  13. You really need a peacefully rest.Day in,day out...By the ways Im really bored in hospital.I must sleep,sleep,and sleep...My days are long and boring.
  14. ...looks like I ate my words, I had to work early again today too. I went to sleep when I got home though, so I feel better.
  15. Sooo sleepy...long day at work Well, at least I work later tomorrow so I can sleep in.
  16. Good luck!
  17. Very sleepy... forgot I had to work early today so i went to sleep late
  18. Much better.You?
  19. How are you feeling?
  20. Thanks
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 55
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