Conversation Between Donnikun and Seth Astra

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I have not a single game on my PC...
  2. anyway ig2g, but ill check back for messages...if you have any questions about that. Or gaming questions in general. or if you need me to look into anything for you about upcoming gamer news.
  3. well im slowing down LOTRO play...its fun but does get boring. did you hear Champions Online is going F2P early next year to compete with DC universe? DC universe is p2p, but they are messing up their payment system by making pvp and pve servers not both usable by the same account. so if your pve you cant play pvp unless you buy another account. kind of dumb huh? so Champions os going F2p to scoop up those angry players who want a superhero game but hate sonys payment method.
  4. Cool. I haven't gotten half as far in Tri.
  5. hows it been, like i say a lot, real life has me by the throat, but i do have my Deviljho gear done in MH3, that makes me happy.
  6. Hey, Donnikun! Just saw you're on. Would you like to join Neona and I on our chat?
  7. Well, glad you're back.
  8. my dark flames.................
  9. dont worry seth, i intend to hang out wiht you guys a lot, its just, Topps isnt the guy i knew, im hoping me leaving will knock some sense into him. i plan to return if he stops being so emo and pessimestic all the time, you may not have seen a lot of it, but kirt and i both have dealt with a great deal for a long time. i talked with neona about it a lot in pm. Dont worry were still friends.
  10. i understand that, i often am reclusive, but dont worry, im topps friend, thats why i got a bit rough, as his friend ill tell him what he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear, thats what a friend does, and remember ,your always welcome here.
  11. Eh, I just felt out of place. I am kinda obsessive about whether or not I'm out of place, to the point where I get nervous, then reclusive and depressed when I feel that I'm out of place.
  12. hey saw yo on he chatbox, sorry about that mess, but Topps needs a good talkin to about his girl obsession
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12