Conversation Between Tiffiana and Angry_Ryudo

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol xD
  2. In the pic you commented recently, Ryu's pose was achieved with the lobby action "sorry", thus my answer in your profile.
  3. *confused*
  4. Hehe, male "sorry" pose is made for that xDDD
  5. xD lol sandy is over for us atm, further north is gettin hurt by it now Virginia is more built for hurricanes, s'why i wish it only hit us and not go north >.<
  6. Teeffeeeeee!!! Is Sandy going to invade your country? I hope nooooot!
  7. xD lmfao
  8. Grad you rike it :3 *gropes pso2-created girls lol*
  9. dat anatomy :3
  10. *stares as the wind blows by my head* wat o3o
  11. Random greetings! *begins to make an effort in thinking nothing until actually puts mind in blank to achieve the genuine airhead face (o w o)*
  12. i like how dey meet up ouo
  13. the cat or the cast ears? o.o
  14. *stares ahead blanky like an airhead* ouo
  15. *pets head* pat pat pat.... xD
  16. *hugs* :3
  17. *sits in your chair and stares at you from a distance*
  18. get wif Profile pic kaaoooo D:
  19. loool :3 ryboobdo
  20. What the FFFFF....?!? *glomped by them* >o<
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 29
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