Conversation Between GutsGO and Dragwind

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Whoa, there's a Berserk movie in the works? Now I'm even more excited for this summer.
  2. Yo Dragwind long time no see! I hope everything is well, hopefully this summer we'll be getting the first of the new Berserk movies so I'm pretty excited!
  3. I have to admit I really get absorbed when I'm reading it as well. I agree on the world and characters being very interesting.

    I'll most likely be on today at some point, probably not doing anything significant other than helping a pal with frag runs and lvling some PA's. Feel free to mail me though.
  4. Whoa sweet man! I'm glad you are enjoying the manga again it's so worth it. It's such an amazing story with engaging characters, I lose myself in the world when I read it.

    I'm actually two volumes behind circulation (even though I buy them when they come out). I try and nurture my time with them, and soak in all the goodness as I I only read one chapter at a time and take breaks from time to time.

    I might play tonight, if you're on too I'll give a shout
  5. Awesome. We shall party up soon, and it shall be epic. I've actually been reading the manga a lot lately (even though I'm pretty behind) but I'm falling in love with the series again. We should discuss it some time ;o
  6. Yoyo man what's up?

    Yea whenever I'm online I don't see you either, we must be just missing each other...I'm still hurr and my brother plays most of the time still too so definitely lets meet up. I'm down anytime.

    hahaha yea man, one of the best moments in the story. So emotional.
  7. Oh snaps, long time no see. We need to party up again sometime, it's been ages (considering you still play)

    Also, I can't resist-

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