Conversation Between afterthoughtz and CoV-Shana

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. To everyone,

    I haven't been around for a while since I've pretty much stopped playing PSU. The reason being is my novel has finally been taken out of the formatting process and such and is at last on sale!

    If you are interested in a medieval fantasy filled with adventure, plot twists, unique places, and characters you can relate with, I'd be overjoyed if you gave this book a try. It unfortunately is a bit pricey due to its length and sadly the company won't negotiate, so pretty upset about that. >.>. But hey, if you're big into reading and don't mind giving this a chance, I'd be very grateful! Take care everyone!
  2. MESSAGE TO ALL FRIENDS!! Well i'm in the prcess of cancelling my PSU account cause this game is doing nothing but dying, the lack of updates is pathetic and extremely lazy of Segac, so i'm out. If anyone wants to keep in touch my AIM is laraviere19

    Hope to hear from some of you soon! HAVE FUN!
  3. Oh hey you live!!! lol
  4. Oh cool, congratz on that!
  5. HEY I MAY FINALLY GET TO FLY!!!! Just not for the military lol, right now it looks like i will be getting/trying to get a commercial liscence!! SO EXCITED!!! haha sorry
  6. Happy 21st b-day, now you needa come down so we can go party lol
  7. Vanguard huh? I dont even play this game anymore lol, well, once a week i'll log on and be on for 5 minutes then i'm bored of it so i turn my xbox off and go racin or somethin lol
  8. Been playing with friends from a community in PSU called Vanguard. Also been working a lot X(
  9. Hey hey whatsup? Anything new or excititng?
  10. Yay its here lol, maybe now i can get my main to 140, i'm only 110 as of right now
  11. You know it. Can't wait X)
  12. Hey Shana, gettin set for Mag 2 yet?=)
  13. I'm on the PC.
  14. So what system do you play psu on?
  15. Ya but its still good, i could take a thin white piece of paper, copy the lines on it and it still wouldn't look good
  16. Haha, yea it just takes practice. I'm better then I was when I started so I know I'll eventually (with practice) draw stuff without needing a reference like that.
  17. Well i tried to freehand some pieces, it was a disaster, my 10yr old sis can outdraw me
  18. Yeah, but I used a screenshot as a reference. Not quite good enough to draw like that on my own yet.
  19. Bout the same, minus the 12 hour work days (8 hours) and the break lol
    So did you draw that pic of your character on the right over there or did someone else do it?
  20. The usual... Been working 12 hours 2 days on 2 days off, got the next two days off so kicking back a bit and gonna play / write. And you?
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