Conversation Between Daeshao and Shinsengumi_Ryu

6 Visitor Messages

  1. ikr sometimes life sux so much u just need to get away from it lol :3 it's good to meet someone who's kinda like me lol u should look me up online if ur playing it. i'm a beast LVL106 lvl15 hunter and vanguard lvl2 lol :3
  2. thats cool, im 25 too i just turned on the 8th of december, i just chilled out and drank too lol it was pretty cool... im a devoted gamer myself lol always will be its how i escape from reality! lol
  3. I went out with my girl and we just drank and chilled, i'm 25 lol yeah i still play games :P
  4. what all did you do for you b-day??? anything fun and interesting?? how old are you now?
  5. Thanx man
  6. hey happy fricken birthday!!! hope you have a blast!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6