Conversation Between lightdamage and ThaiSoup

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Tha fug Grimace. Where you at?
  2. You may be Grimace, but I am the law.
  3. That's not creepy at all.
  4. Slap slap slap
  5. Taking that one "m" out of Grimmace, did you really think you would fool anyone?
  6. Classy toon on my page. Thanks. :P No Soup for you!
  7. Thats my lul of the night xD
  8. nobody raeps like you do ^_-
  9. You don't seem very happy about that. >>
  10. D: you're alive?
  12. GRIMACE. GRATS ON THE WALL. On a side note. PC Mobo gave out on me. So I need to replace it. But I'm gonna be replacing everything but my Graphics card. So I'm not sure how long I'll be out of commission again. Get me a wall while Im gone. Oh, yeah. Its Ixtli btw.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15