Conversation Between mommy_cornelia and TenebriS

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Hurray!
    than my job is done *starts playing music and sings along*
  2. oh my, that sounds great x3
  3. I am sorry than, I will correct it right here:

    Cornelia by mommy_cornelia:
    It looks very military, the colors give me that feeling. Also her eye-scar gives you the feeling she knows how to defend herself on the battlefield. Not to forget how beautifull she looks, her face is very stunning and you might get lost if you watch it for too long.
    What I think would have been better; Nothing much really, the picture is fine

    I hope thats good now O:
  4. i-i don't think so >>... x3
  5. I thought its unnecessary to mention how good she looks, its obvious O:
  6. thank you

    Well, a lot of them look great!... and if that is your comment on my character... hmm... hmm...ok x3(being silly xP)
  7. Alright then :3
    cant wait to see them all :3
  8. I'm rigth now working on them, as you see thats really a lot of people it takes its time, I will either post today or tomorrow.
  9. hey tene, sorry to keep bothering you "

    but when will u post the 79 entries of the fashion contest? x3
  10. xD don't be so harsh on ya pwetty face D:

    You can't think about everything
  11. ... *facedesks* silly me xD
  12. it's easy

    I just check the profiles of each person that voted :P
  13. i hv been wondering... how can you know if a vote is legit? o.o
  14. as said in thread, it told me it directs me to the poll but in the end i landed in a thread without poll ;.;
  15. uhm tene... where is da poll? xD

    cant vote "
  16. hi hi back :P
  17. Hi hi :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18