Conversation Between SSephy21 and Angry_Ryudo

9 Visitor Messages

  1. oh ok sorry
  2. Hey, what's up. Look, you are asking me work that i just don't know how to do, like the flame thing and other work that requires some creativity. I'm sorry but look for another photoshopper.
  3. hey so hows the Photoshop pics coming along?
  4. hey hey hey! whats up and how you been? having fun are we
  5. oh alright, well if you still have the mail its good when you finish making it just send it on mail here ok. well later and have fun.
  6. I'm not online right now. Perhaps tonight (Spanish time)
  7. alright, maybe I see you on now cause I am.
  8. Aaah, yes, i saw it, but my since my PSU subscription expires tomorrow, i wanted to delay that until later to enjoy the game at max. I won't renew subscription for now. So expect me to work on that next week or something.
  9. I wanted to know if you got my mail that I gave you of those pics?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9