Conversation Between SakoHaruo and Sara-hime

4 Visitor Messages

  1. It was worth a try!

    Well...*gulp*, I will see if I can take on your challenge but, I might be out from work late. Will you spare me if I am? ^_^;
  2. You try and negotiate with me using cake, such foolishness.

    *takes tasty treat*

    I will end you on another day, princess. Tonight you shall come to my place and cook me the finest dish. Mess up and you will become my meal. > D
  3. did I....?! Sako! Did you bring me here?

    Wait! Devour? Me?! O.O;; *Flashbacks when a certain vampire tried to do the same*

    Umm...wait right there! I'll just be a second! ^_^;; *runs to the kitchen*
    "Come on! Hhmmm! >_<

    Here, you'd MUCH rather devour this tasty treat than me wouldn't you? ^_^;; *nervous laugh*
  4. Sara-hime, what brings you to my space, do you wish to be devoured, o3o I haven't forgotten how delicious you look, princess. o3o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4