Conversation Between CupOfCoffee and Xaeris

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I haven't the foggiest idea. I'm considering cropping something out from what we have of PSO2, but I haven't seen a nice hi quality picture I'd like to use yet.
  2. Hey, congrats on the flawless victory. Any idea yet what you're going to do for an icon? (the ex-graphic design student in me burns with curiosity.)
  3. Haha, er, yeah... that didn't pan out. For some reason I began to feel guilty about entering. I don't post too much on PSOW anymore, and so I thought I'd abstain and in that way have a vote to cast for somebody else. Plus, all my PSO memories are either totally pedestrian or inside jokes, so there's that.
  4. Hey, I thought you were going to do an entry! What happened?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4