Conversation Between Rei-San and Chukie sue

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I heard that it just didn't sell well enough... If you play by "other means" rather than just a SD cartridge you buy at a store, there are english patches out there.

    If you're interested in joining any active EXE communities I could tell you about a couple... Just thought I'd throw that out there
  2. I spend my fan-boyishness-ism drawing my net-navi and thinking of my fan fic.

    Well hopefully someone will make a fan translation patch. What sort of licensing issue are we talking about? Isn't it all owned by capcom?
  3. Yeah, but if I remember correcty ~ OSS isn't coming here due to licensing issues :'(

    Well, my EXE fanboyism is spent while hacking Megaman BattleNEtwork 6 to get insane battles ( Bass BX x 3) or playing MMBN6 online
  4. Oh, yes. I love EXE. I wish Capcom would bring it back. Operate Shooting Star was a good start.
  5. Just wanted to say I freeking LOVE your signature. The forte one... EXE fan?
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