Conversation Between Criss and Ecchi

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Mmmm probably in a month or two, so busy! But when I start ill be around often
  2. Oh yeah, I remember the character names. So what are you up to these days? Planning on joining PSO2 JP too?

    I was planning on waiting for an english version, but seeing the announcement say it'll only be next year... I'm not so sure anymore.
  3. Well either way lemme know where you made your toon for whenever I hop on the pso2 bandwagon
  4. Hmmm Zizan ring a bell? Or mmm WhitexDragon orrr Ecchi =x

    And you got a point....or you have bad memory !=p
  5. Well, it's been years... can't expect me to remember everyone, right?
  6. You dont remember me huh
  7. Oh, hello therrrre.
  8. Hellro strangerrrr
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8