Conversation Between Leihyah and AlexCraig

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the bday wish! Late, I know! XD
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy birthday!! Hope you are enjoying it to its fullest! ^_^
  4. Sure! I'll be there!
  5. Ah! Awesome! I'll hop on, too ^_^ We can meet up!
  6. Hey you! How have you been? ^_^
  7. Thanks!
    Heh, nice pic!
  8. Been alright. My birthday is coming up. Was hoping Julie could visit at the end of the month, but she is unable to.
  9. How have you been?
  10. And you had a name change, too!
  11. Hey! Been a while!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11