Conversation Between BIG OLAF and Pwincess

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah, I see. Well, I'm always up to be bothered by my friends, so it's alright.
  2. No, hahaha and sorry to hear >_< about the xbox trouble. I just figured i'd bother you.
  3. My Xbox is still broken. Every time I've been online, it's been at my friend's house (and he thinks PSU is stupid, and doesn't want to see me play it, or whatever). I'm in the process of trying to purchase a brand-new one. I'm sorry . Why, do you need me for something in-game?
  4. Play PSU!! >=o
  5. Thank you, ma'am. I'll accept the request when I get my new Xbox, in a week or so.
  6. Added ^_-
  7. I suppose we have the same problem, then @_@
  8. Hahaha well mine is Pwincess, so I guess I have the same issue @_@
  9. My Gamertag, ironically enough, is BIG OLAF. Go figure, right? Haha, I'm not very original with all my identities, I guess.
  10. Whas yer gamertag =p
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10