Conversation Between Eclipse5632 and Ken & Robo

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  1. サンキュー、けんちゃん
  2. ハッピーバースデーエクリプスさん。
  3. Bleh, I meant to say that I visited your room to use that Good Job Counter to earn FUN points.

    Strangely, however, every time I've sent a good job to someone, I either get like about 16 FUN points, or none at all. I sort of don't get it. On the last time I've quested with you and company and sent out those "good jobs," I got like 12 from you, 16 from Mimosa (I think that's the correct spelling), but 0 from Elto. And most of the time, I only get some FUN points from 3/5 of the requirements (whatever they are), and none from the rest.
  4. You can get FUN points from visiting someone's room? And, you get a fair amount of them just from logging in every day. You can get 50 every day from good jobs (double that if you have a premium account). Of course, this is assuming they keep the same rates in the open beta.
  5. ...Yeah...

    If my katakana reading is correct, you can send those "Good jobs" (I think they're called) to it, and sometimes, you get FUN points (Hence, it's called a Good Job Counter). Whether or not you get awarded any FUN points, the computer dances around and it's eyes turn all happy and whatnot.

    And yes, I constantly visited your room, just so I could try and get FUN points. FUN points are kind of difficult to get, IMO. But then again, it doesn't help that I constantly forget to send those "Good jobs" to other players after a quest.
  6. ...That can happen? o_O
  7. (Some screenshot)

    Nice computer. =P
  8. Yes, you can PM the higher-up moderators (i.e. Ryna or Dhylec) to ask to change your username. I thought it was weird to keep my username as "Ken-chan" if I kept using a RAcast avatar, and since everyone refers to me as "Ken," I changed it to "Ken & Robo."

    As for me, trying to stay motivated to deal with the leftover schoolwork of my second term (exams are in at least one more week before my next two-week break) while dying for new and exciting things to happen. At the same time, I finally got the motivation to keep up with Gundam AGE. Throughout most of the month, I've been going through this "demotivation" crisis where I don't feel like doing anything.

    I mainly use MSN, which I'm online on pretty much all day whenever I'm home. If you want, I could PM you my email address sometime later.
  9. Whoa, I didn't know you could change your name on PSOW =O

    I'm not bad. Been pretty busy with work, etc. and playing a lot of League of Legends in my free time. Trying to work in time for other games, though... @_@
    Do you use MSN or some kind of IM client? I don't check PSOW that much these days, so this isn't the most reliable way to stay in contact with me.
  10. Hey, Eclipse. How are things with you lately? We haven't talked in a while.

    Also, yeah, I changed my username. =P
  11. Yay~!! PSO2 avatars!! \o/ *Switches to PSO2 RAcast avatar*

    *10 seconds after, switches back to old PSZ RAcast avatar*

    On second thought, I like my PSZ RAcast avatar more. I've grown too used to it, and I like looking like a GM. =P
  12. Yeah, it seems to be a fan-service thing, based on the snapshots I've seen. I wonder if they are fairly useful. =P

    Also, thanks for the comment. :3
    See for yourself. And yeah, I can only assume it was a fanservice decision. Though, none of them are really that cute imo...

    Also, commented on your picture :3
  14. Is that a bad thing...? =P

    Turns into a loli and it fights along with you...? Interesting how that works, though I wonder if it's tedious to raise them, so they can finally assist you in battle.

    ...I also find it funny that I can't help but think that this must be also a fan-service thing, since, well, as you said, they turn into lolis. (Hoping to not sound like a pervert by accident) :V

    EDIT: And if it interests you, I've uploaded a silly drawing I recently made in my album, if you want to check it out. =/
  15. Stalking the revival group? =P

    Partner Machines were PSU's version of mags, except that until it reached its final form it would just stay in your room. Once it got to its final transformation and turned into a loli, you had the option to bring it into battle with you like an NPC. It took up a party slot and everything.
  16. Hmm, well, I've never played PSU, so I haven't got a clue what Partner Machines are. But yeah, I agree that I would not approve of a monster taming system in a PSO game. All the character and equipment stuff to do is more than enough, lol.

    I did recall that some people said this "giant spider" was not featured in the alpha tests. However, it could be that huge Darker that you mentioned. Maybe I'll have to take a look again, but I'm busy today, since I've got school assignments to do, as well as get ready and pack up for visiting my home for the upcoming holidays.

    Oh, and yes, you still take damage from the Life and Risk elements in PSZ, even when invincible.
  17. Yeah, I did catch the Booma pun. =P

    I don't really see what a monster taming system would do for PSO, unless you could, like, bring them into battle like Partner Machines in PSU, I guess... Even then I still probably wouldn't want it lol.

    I didn't see any sort of giant spider enemy in the forest. Are you talking about that huge Darker you see towards the end of the opening movie? I don't think there's anything official about where or in what capacity it's going to show up in game.
  18. Yeah, summoning them to battle other monsters to fight with you like what the Arkz characters in PSO Ep. III did would probably be it. Besides, I believe that's the point of most of these monster taming systems that are usually featured in most games. I somehow would not support the inclusion of such a system in a PSO-style game to be honest (watch it that they do that someday >_>)...maybe unless you can tame a dragon.

    Hmm, I wonder if you caught my pun about the Booma... (Hint: what's the second tier Booma called?)

    Also, is it true that the main boss of the forest planet in PSO2 is some giant spider? I thought I heard that somewhere.
  19. Uh... What would you do with them? Just have them hang out in your room or something? Or could you summon them in battle? Kinda like the dark side characters in PSO Ep3.

    "Grass Assassin! I choose you!"
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