Conversation Between mommy_cornelia and Sipher Mashai

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. awww, ah well. people waiting for the english release i take it.
  2. i am in a team currently, but most people are offline :
  3. anyway. you got a big team of people?
  4. aah, alrighty :3
  5. ah thanks done the first of her orders.

    Still any of the AC stuff worthwhile or mostly female only
  6. its in the shop area, in front of the huge thing xD
  7. Xie? i don't think i have met them what level can i join those. still seems like the male characters don't get as cool outfits either now.
  8. yeeah, they are =w=;:

    i recommend you to do Xie's COs, its nice and fast exp :3
    but dont limit yoursefl to these x3
  9. yeah, still gonna stick with ranger though mostly. just the lower level areas are kinda empty
  10. well, as long you have fun with it, its good :3
  11. Yeah, tried out braver though for a bit.. thats a fun class to try out.
  12. ooh, alrighty :3
  13. ahhh ok. might have been under a different name then. still catching up slowly
  14. hmmmh... i dont remember any kyuu o.o
  15. um was curious if you were. i think Kyuu was one but thats not much to go on. shame the friends lists from the beta didn't carry over
  16. hmmmh... who were those? x3
  17. yeah i thought i would check, since one of the few people from the beta i still remember. still play with a few of those?
  18. yeah... you sent me a friend request yesterday xD
  19. damn thats gonna take a while to catch up on. i take it still ship 2?
  20. well, im 65/65... so yeah x3
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