Conversation Between ZackyStyles and GoblinX_x

8 Visitor Messages

  1. hey im online if u want to play
  2. my new friend code please add it okay.
    4899- 9885- 7996
  3. im sorry i missed your message earlier i had the site up and was away from my computer. this week isnt looking good for runs but next week might be better but the christmas week i'll be free to play more often. right now im so overloaded with homewotk i havent been avle to play all to often
  4. also thx for joining my guild .
  5. hey brother u fancy a run right now .
  6. hey bro fancy a run ?.ill be online for three days .i plan on hitting 90 now finally XD.
  7. eh, i could be better. running a fever and all the sicky stuff. thanks for the post though hope you're doing well
  8. hey bro i hope ur well
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8