Conversation Between Agitated_AT and Flame

3 Visitor Messages

  1. hey there flame. check yer pm box when online okay. so far ive had alot of fun with mh. i swear its everything pso tried to copy done right
  2. Im defenitly up for that. Btw, Are you on ship 2 as well? Give me your character name if that's the case so I can add you. I just came from work so i'm just gonna relax tonight for a little bit before I go to sleep, but defenitly tomorrow.

    My name in the game is Djawed btw, just in case when I won't be able to get on tomorrow
  3. hey wanna play tonight? I got to level 30 last night JUST before I turned in. Fuckin finally!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3