Conversation Between SpikeOtacon and Volcompat321

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you very much, Spik:E!
  2. Happy Birthday d;ood!
  3. Thanks Volcomsir!
  4. Happy birthday Spike!
  5. Thanks much!
  6. Happy birthday volcomdude!
  7. It's a great goal to have. I always hear people complain about SEGA team and PSU being a crappy game, yet they still play and complain to me that they are bored. So after me listening and trying to defend sega I say..."ok quit, see ya , dont forget to give me your rares!" and they just seem to shut up. I love this game, and invested too much time in it to quit cause of lack of updates. I have fun in the game by myself or with people. So I will be glad to do missions with you, hurry up and get on
  8. I'll let ya know if I ever return to the game. Having some people to run with right off of the bat will help. And then i'd be able to help you continue towards your goal of being the last person on the PSU servers. I like that goal.
  9. Well, I have taken a self proclaimed vow to be the last person playing on the servers. I will be the last person, on PSU, I will solo EVERYTHYING to keep playing. 2+ years already, I'm not stopping for anyone. I didn't even put 2+ years in past relationshits lol. Since you play on the pc/ps2 side, I will be more than happy to run with you whenever. I will also be happy to lend you a helping hand on getting stuff up to date equips wise. Just let me know when you want to play, and which universe, and I'm there. I love to see new/returning people!
  10. Similar situation happened with my friends actually. I had quite a few of them excited for PSU from back in our PSO days. But eventually all but a few left after the first month, and we never could get our momentum back up. I eventually quit because I wasn't having fun without my friends, even though I did have a few people I liked to play with in-game. I did get the PSP version though and it sparked my interest in maybe hopping back on one day, I just hope there will be people left by the time I get around to it!
  11. It seems as though I did the same thing you did. I started out December 06' with 2 other friends. Well, they quit on me so I got pretty bored with the game, so I quit for a while. I came back 10 months later, and said "I want to play some PSU". Since then, I've taken many breaks, but not as long or even close to 10 months. Now-a-day I have a lot of "awesome" items, and equips, so I don't need my friends to play with me anymore.
  12. I don't have much experience with the 360 side, but I played PC/PS2 back when I did. How long have you been playing? I started off when it first came out, but kinda came back and left every so often.
  13. Sorry for the late response, I play in fullscreen during events to help with lag...I don't lag anymore since I play on my laptop now, but it's a habbit. I play on the pc/ps2. But I have an account on the 360 too. I just don't play it cause I hate the 360 community.
  14. It's a terrible horrible sin and you should feel like subhuman scu- er, wait...

    I'm about to go watch the episode of house I just missed. I can't believe I forgot to catch the finale. D'oh on me.

    You play PSU you say? I don't play anymore myself, but out of curiosity are you a PC/PS2 or Xbox player?
  15. not too much. trying to figure out why its bad to have sex with people im not married to.


    about to play some psu...i been up for like 20 hours and im tired but not tired.
    What is you up to?
  16. 'Sup?
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