Conversation Between Aussei and CelestialBlade

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't recall pulling any muscles in my back or doing any particularly heavy lifting, but my lower back has been kinda hurting lately. It's like different regions of my torso will hurt on different days, but the left-side pain is very consistent. I've been trying to stretch it out too, and I've noticed that I feel a lot more pain when I stretch in such a way that the region is in compression, rather than tension. I'll try doing some heat therapy on a nightly basis and see if it doesn't start improving. I was hurting pretty bad at work today so I definitely need to take some kind of action.

    Thanks so much for your help, again! Let me know when you learn how to stick your hands through the internet, I'll gladly take a nice massage from a pro :P
  2. Thank you. I'm sure that I've got this test in the bag. It's all multiple choice and for some reason there's no practical part of the test so I don't have to massage to prove that I can massage which is weird but okay America....

    Have you had any problems with muscles in your back lately? Like pulled a muscle sometime in the past few weeks? Sometimes even after you think the muscle is done hurting it could still be messed up. When the pain starts up take a moment and try stretching in different ways. Not too hard, slow and gentle. And applying heat to your back could also help, if you don't got like heat pack you can do the same with a hot towel. It does sound like a muscular or nerve impingement issue since it progressively gets worse throughout the day and gets better with rest.
  3. What's the best way I can go about treating it? Again, I've noticed that the pain seems to go away from sleep and will gradually worsen the more I'm out and about. Some sitting positions really worsen it too, though I haven't experimented with that yet. It's been going on for a week and a half and while I expect to simply have to wait it out, I'd like to accelerate that if at all possible. Thanks for your advice and good luck with your test :3
  4. Lol! I can't help myself, I really enjoy massage therapy. Hmm I'd say it's referred pain from an impinged nerve... Muscles love to play this game where they hurt in places they don't even exist... It can be from your mid back, rhomboids which is the muscle between your shoulder blade and spinal cord, or in your lower neck. My hands are itching to find the problem but I can't do it through the internets....bwaaaah
  5. I thought it might be my lungs giving me issues, but it doesn't hurt when I take in a deep breath and I don't feel any particular discomfort when I go running (though the pain IS limited to the region my lungs occupy). It definitely feels muscular, but I don't feel any soreness when I press on my ribs. Feels like the pain and tightness is just under them, and usually hurts the longer I'm awake (from compression I'd imagine). Again, no idea what causes it, but I sure wouldn't mind having your healing hands on my ribs and chest :P

    Thanks for your input, I'm an engineer so this is far from my field of expertise XD
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