Conversation Between Darkus and Noblewine

10 Visitor Messages

  1. dude do you have FB? we have a group for regular players there.
  2. If you want to arrange meeting up with me that's fine. I found a temporary job though so I don't get home until 4:30PM in the evening. I get the weekends off. Just notify beforehand.
  3. sorry dude I wasn't online cuz my wifi had some issues x/
    "Noblewine my main is Male Human, 2nd character name is Aelita female cast. I'm planning to make more character to get a few boss titles and other stuff. Natalie (Female Human) Gunther (Male Beast) Noblewine (Male Newman)"? go it.
  4. Noblewine my main is Male Human, 2nd character name is Aelita female cast. I'm planning to make more character to get a few boss titles and other stuff. Natalie (Female Human) Gunther (Male Beast) Noblewine (Male Newman)

    Ok thanks for the heads up I'll keep an eye for you online. I use skype and msn too. Incase you want to use those. Helps for C mode.
  5. all my characters are named Darkus, I will be online this weekend... what are yours called? cheers dude.
  6. Hey darkus I forgot to ask you what your main character or alt names are. I'm online atm on an alt.
  7. Sure, just message me back with a time and I'll see what I can do.
  8. Hello mines EST. I'm sorta disoriented about that sorta stuff. Sorry
  9. sup wine? what's ur time zone? cuz when I'm online you're not and when you are I'm not xS
    mine is UCT+2
  10. Hello I got your reply. I'm on anytime of the day so reply back if you want to meet online
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10