Conversation Between Mega Ultra Chicken and soulpimpwizzurd

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. And where's your Pimpwizzard on the PSO2 server? ...Or are you someone else?
  2. Funnily enough, she is a misunderstood moe in her new characterization.
  3. lol it was mainly about how i thought killbot was megamoe so i made a fanfic about how she was misunderstood and how soulpimpwizzurd won her heart. one day man, i'll get it to you bro
  4. So... what was that Killbot x Pimpsoulwizzard (sp?) fanfic about anyway?
  5. Are you on the Open Beta? We must play together at some point.
  6. Dammit, I wanted to see it T.T
  7. btw it wasn't even gross or anything, it didn't step into x-rated bs. it just had a bunch of caps and some cussing but i didn't even type fuck anywhere so i was like derp ok.
  8. maybe when i get fueled with enough sleep deprived delusion and i reread your character bio i'll get pumped up again and type it here, but atm i'm still upset it was deleted despite it's positive reception from most who read it. shoulda saved it or something.
  9. nah man, i made a pretty funny fanfic of killbot x soulpimpwizzurd but the mods deleted it even though it was on topic, probably for the sole reason caps are looked down upon despite their supreme ability to deliver humor. it played heavily on a bunch of typical anime tropes and a lot of people got a good kick out of it, you probably would have too. i'm sad because i don't think i can retype it to it's glory but it was funny man.
  10. ...wat
  12. dog i made a fanfic of soulpimpwizzurd x killbot u shuld read it its on the character bio payj
  13. Unfortunately, Maz is no Flutterguy.
  14. i can tolerate shota if he has a super deep manly voice though ha!
  15. say it isn't so! just make multiple accounts for the real version ;-;;;
  16. Sad news: if character slots are too expensive, I cannot make use of the BROcast. You'd have to tolerate the pink-haired pseudoshota instead.
  17. I honestly didn't think of brobot until I was trying to come up with another epithet to describe BROcast with.
  18. brobot?! how do you think of this golden material god its wonderful
  19. More accurately, he is named BROcast because it rhymes with FOcast.

    Just imagine, a brobot and a pimp wizard of soul on the same team. Their sheer masculinity will clear the dungeon within 0.03 seconds.
  20. dude i'm gonna make another cast and it'll be named BROcastingGUNS

    get it because he'll be "bro"adcasting his guns
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