Conversation Between Dhylec and Arika

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Use opaopa today, I find that it might be the best shadog now. Consider that it shoot enemy in the same way as 9* shadog but only have 1 sec gap between each 3 shot set.
  2. Aww,, there is no other way at all? this will be the only different one then ? :s
  3. nope, poll can't display names now. ya must pick it at the beginning.
  4. I have it, but it doesn't have any effect.

  5. i suppose you're gonna show the opaopa once ya got it?
  6. >.<
    bery clevar!
  7. newman!..
  8. ;oya? tell me your animal sign, i'll figure out the year. ;3
  9. half of me is chinese
  10. hey, didn't know ya into the chinese new year thing too. ;3
  11. not rly, just there are no update.
  12. you've been quiet lately - got a sore throat or thumb? ;3
  13. thank you
  14. おたんじょうびおめでとう!
  15. ;-; so where to meet?
  16. 57!? ;o
    for that, ya owe me yer partner card, nao!
  17. 57! :O
  18. you'd be surprise if i tell ya my age ;3
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 38 of 38
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