Conversation Between Inazuma and ohka

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, fuck the English patch. Even with it, you still need to use Japanese for some things, especially for talking with other players. You will be more exposed to and used to Japanese if you don't use it, which in turn will better prepare you for the times you have to use Japanese.
  2. yup cant get 7zip to work right now im sure ill just wait till tim gets home and he will be like again this is the third time
  3. yeah idk im pretty crap when it comes to pcs i might just have to load it in jp
  4. OK awesome.
  5. im trying to find the patch to rejoin
  6. You need to re-add me to your friend list. Same process as if we never met before. You are still on my friend list, so when you try to add me, it will do it automatically. It won't require my permission.
  7. Oh so that's what happened. You deleted my card.
  8. also i cant visit your room i dont have your card and i cant type in your name
  9. sorry my mother made me do something i jsut got back
  10. I just logged on. I'm in my room right now. Come visit me.
  11. hey idk your not blacklisted i know that much i just dont know why i cant see you im online right now if we want to fix this
  12. Ohka, I miss you. Haven't seen you online for days. Did you quit PSO2 or suddenly become busy, or accidentally blacklist me like some have done before? Take care~ (^_^)/
  13. thanks its a derpy one but i was skyping with someone so i was like sure ill take a derp face photo lol
  14. Nice picture, ohka.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14