Conversation Between McDuck and paulo yamato

14 Visitor Messages

  1. done chargin. if u wanna play more let me know! Thanks again for the items
  2. I'll msg you when my 3ds is done charging, I found the charger.
  3. hehehe if you wanna other itens i can give you pal
  4. Hey i'm getting on!!
  5. You are online lets play now?
  6. Oh okay :] You should meet up with sml_psZ and I one of these nights. That would be awesome.
  7. No pal my Internet gaves a lag now its ok hehehe
  8. It keeps saying dropped link near your name, is it me?
  9. Lag on internet?
  10. Will do.
  11. yeah I added you it shows your online but when I click on it the only option is delete friend.
  12. First you have to ad me after that close the room i will creat and after you join me
  13. I'm on. How do I join you?
  14. I create the room you can join now pal;
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14