Conversation Between Arksenth and Coatl

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Woah sorry for the late reply. Did you move back yet/get blocked?
  2. I'm back on Ship 2 for a while, darling. Come and find me <3!
  3. They did, but I now play with the Malay players, who are a cool bunch and aren't afraid anything.

    Also, Ship 2 is lame. You come to Ship 8.
  4. Well I thought you had quit initially. If all your TW friends quit you come over yonder. 3:
  5. <3 I must be real popular if you still remember me. Maybe I'll take a trip back to Ship 2 to bully you all again.
  6. Ahh. Alrighty then! Glad that's cleared up.
  7. Oh wait, are you from back when I played on Ship 2? I moved over a year ago to join some TW friends on Ship 8 and have been there since lewl.
  8. No, I am. Still confused.
  9. You're not? Woops! Wrong guy then.
  10. I am? You're baffling me.
  11. Are you not conspire.
  12. Who are you again?
  13. Re-add me bish.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13