Conversation Between ladypoptarts and AlexCraig

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. don't count your chickens befoe they are hatched. send me a pm of your email and I will prove it too you
  2. Bah, I somehow doubt that
  3. yeah! having a dad around does help! I have a pic of me at my sister's wedding. I don't care for having my pic taken. I'm too ugly for that.
  4. Well, always helps to have a dad around ^_^

    Oh! Do you have a picture of yourself? I like knowing what my friends look like ^_^
  5. Good. Trying to type with these blasted long nails. So it it ends up in small letters I am sorry. Happy b-day to the guild. I tgried to post but I keep getting errors on the page. so, you want 2-3 kids huh? Mine are good but my youngest 2 are a handful. they diffently keep me on my toes. Now if I just had the support of a loving hus band maybe it would be easier....yeah righgt. HEHE
  6. I've been alright. On a 5-day weekend now. How are you? ^_^
  7. Hey Alex! Long time no talk. How are you?
  8. Nice ^_^ I hope to have about 2-3 kids when I have them.
  9. 3. I have 3 boys. 18, 14, and 8.
  10. Nice! Haha!
    How many children do you have?
  11. Ahhh!!!! That's cool. I would like to go on a trip. My sister got married on the 25th of April and her husband took her to Jaimaca for their honeymoon. Nice! She brought me back a hand carved stone turtle that my youngest son named Rocky. HEHE
  12. College, things on ebay, trip to Arizona, food, various odds and ends.
  13. What are you saving up for?
  14. Nice! I need to start saving money, too.
  15. That's what psofan219 told me. No corruptions. That I am very much looking forward too. More items and stuff huh? Wait...don't tell me anymore. I am planning on getting my computer within two weeks. Now that I am picking up more hours at work and all.
  16. Yeah ^_^ Once you can get BB, all will be well. No corruptions, more items/quests/areas/monsters/etc
  17. Me too. I have been working so hard to get her level up. I was just finally able to survive the first room of the Ruins on Ultimate when it happened. When I made new character she was the same as the old except for the name and section id. I have been reading the guide books on the site and I thought it would be fun to follow them. So I made a pinkal and now everything is gone. but I will do it all over again. For the 3rd time. HEHE. Oh well. Easy come, easy go right.
  18. That sucks Hope it all works out well for you
  19. Tell me about it. First my level 95 force. Then I made a new force. Gave her a bunch of materials that I have been saving to get her mental strenght up as much as I can...then she gets wiped out. All of the other characters who I use to hold materials and meseta...gone.
  20. I'm alright. Been busy with work and mod stuff XD
    Sucks about your character data Hope you can get all your stuff back soon.
    Good to know you are well. Should keep in touch more
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