Conversation Between Wynn<3 and DeviFoxx

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Once I get most of the stuff squared away for the guide I'm writing, I'll come join sometime. There are still a few rare weapons that I'm farming for that I still need. It's taking a lot just to try and get certain 15 and 16 star weapons to drop.
  2. i'll be in uni 1 sky 10 if you wanna play :3
  3. ok then
  4. I'll pop up at some point in Xat chat. Don't know when, though. Writing the guide, at least for now, is keeping me busy.
  5. i'll get online after this run of Dying Galaxy and i'm usually on the infinity xat chat. If you wanna come in you can if you want
  6. Sure, I don't mind. Whenever you want.
  7. hello, i see you have Infinity. Would you like to play sometime?
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