Conversation Between Mikoto Saionji and Altier

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I Finally got (as for as is known) the issue resolved with the help of a good friend of mine.

    Edit: Let me know the next time your playing vita, see if I can't find and friend you in the vita/PC blocks.
  2. Same to you.
  3. Yeah, the blocks numbered 200 and above are PC/Vita crossover blocks! Hope to see you on there. :3
  4. PC and Vita player can play together on some blocks right?
    I'll friend you [or whatever it is here] once i get this problem of mine cleared up.
  5. It's the thought that counts! I'll likely just be switching over to the Vita version come the 28th, so no worries for me. :3
  6. Nah, I think we're having different issues entirely, though I do get a scary black screen similar to you before I crash. (I only skimmed the topic, mind you, about to go run some errands so I'm in a bit of a rush ' )

    As for the post from AIDA, I've already done all the usual steps when undergoing problems such as this. Updating drivers, lowering graphics settings, et cetera, and it's done no good! At this point, I think I'm better off just waiting for the next patch to see if things are fixed by then. -Mikoto Saionji

    Well, I tried.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6