Conversation Between DarkEliteRico and NDW

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. honestly the best place i've gone to is Rescuing "pretty boy" Hyuga part A. 100 bullet resistant robots in a cramped area. you can usually do that mission in about 10 minutes and would get about 15-20% per run
  4. hey, could you give me some advice? I just finished leveling all of my elemental Rifle, Shotgun and Twin Handgun PAs to LV31+ and now I want to work on elemental Laser Cannon PAs.

    the places I've worked on them so far is Sleeping Warriors and Sakura Blast. since you have two at LV31+ and four at LV21+ I figured I would ask you.
  5. Hey, long time no talk. I couldn't get a chance to edit my PSUPedia page the day before school and I've been busy with school that day after, but today I had some time and I have my page halfway finished. I figured I would let you know so you can take a look at my source and see if you like my setup or not.

    Here is the link:

    Also, I sent you a friend request on Xbox LIVE if you don't mind.
  6. Thanks, I managed to peek at your code and play with it a bit from what i "borrowed"
    Working for gunmaster vs fighmaster setup is a bit different. I may have a few tweaks you could work out as well. keep in touch
  7. today and tomorrow I plan to play MAG 2 to finish leveling my characters. this weekend I will probably study the language and work extensively on my PSUPedia page to make it look decent with info and pictures for all of my characters. while I do that I can help you make your page. I guess this will be the last thing I do before school starts on Monday.
  8. Thanks, yeah I saw the template on one of the pages a while ago and the code is really confusing for some things.

    Seems when I tried to update the bullet information the table sizing was getting screwy, might want to have one of the head honchos look into resizing it or taking some of my data if possible
  9. sure, I could help you out...or at least try to. when I made my PSUPedia page, I took a template from someone else's PSUPedia page, I forget whose. I need to study the PSUPedia coding language one day when I have time. I'll do the best of my ability to help you though.
  10. Hey would you mind helping me set up my psupedia page. Saw yours and my coding gets screwed up.

    BTW the bullet info on there is outdated...once i've got all 40's i'll see if they can update the info with my stats.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10