Conversation Between Stealthcmc1974 and Vintasticvin

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh god lol and I thought going through a parts locker filled with equipment from ancient times was bad. Least I can see the evolution of hydraulic technology I suppose which never gets old for me.
  2. Sounds like fun. I've got to learn how to code in a game engine and continue writing my story as well (I guess it's fanfic? Not in the traditional sense anyway).
  3. Lmao you'll have to excuse me lol rainy day doldrums while on break and Monocle Cat was meant to throw people off while I do my thing. Ugh 5'o clock needs hurry up I wanna go home and wrap myself up in my tattered blanket and figure out this story stuff I agreed to partake with a friend since he needs something to do during the winter holidays
  4. I... don't know how to respond to that... O.o
  5. O,-,0;
  6. thanks!
  7. I am equally concerned and interested. I eagerly await to see what it is.
  8. Keep it old school yo xD I'm not going to tell you what it is but if you're into that kinda thing you might like it :P
  9. I'm gonna be drawing also. waiting for my electronic pad coming Christmas so I can get those clean lines. yessir.
    I'd like to see what you come up with.
  10. >_> Yer also an a-hole lol just kidding but thanks to your call out I'm actually drawing my character and its coming out pretty nice.
  11. I'm not stealing. I'm borrowing without asking
  12. No biggie recorder guy lol sucks to be you but I don't think my tamer would be happy about you trying to steal me from them xD
  13. If I don't respond immediately, I'm recording stuff. Should be done in like an hour and a half
  14. Dammit! I'm out of Poké Balls!
  15. O-o A wild Vin has appeared!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 55 of 55
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