Conversation Between nicole4ever and Spartan Law

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Well Im done with gears now for while. Gonna grab some food and what not. Prob back before servers come back up!
  2. yes it is.
  3. Sounds like a barrel of laughs! =/
  4. yeah it's very hot. I don't like the people here there so mean. all they care about is their money or drinking. No family vaules. no nice people.
  5. I visited America recently! Why does Vegas suck? Surely you could make a fortune as a debt recovery agent or something? Although I must admit for the little bit of time spent in Arizona when its hot its HOT, I was very not used to it!
  6. I live in las vegas >.< sucks
  7. Send the friend request either way and then I can just send you my partner card when we're both on! 11 am...timezone wise thats west coast america?
  8. ok I'll look for you and send a friend request. Not sure if I will be able to play I have work in the morning. It's 11am here.
  9. My GT is on my profile if you wanna add me Ill prob play tonight although at that time I wont be on mic, keyboard only! My friend has to do stuff for a lil bit but he'll prob join me on tonight aswell! Its just gone 7:10pm here (UK is on GMT). Oh and I have a fighter character as does my friend
  10. cool!! you should send me a friend request and we can play ^,^ I have a acro techer that has lv 38 resta and 34 buff's. All my friends stopped playing a couple of months back >.< I'm trying to convince them to play again since the GBR mission is out. Till 1am, that sucks ,what time is it there?
  11. Yeah Im on 360 too! Although servers arent due to be bck up till 1am my time =/
  12. I'm on the xbox. what about you?
  13. Oh I drove us off a cliff, into a river, didnt move when we were surrounded... A* driver I am >_> What server you play PSU on?
  14. I'm a bad driver too. At least on Halo lol ..Still trying to find something to do >.<
  15. I was too until just, now on Gears 2 with my PSU buddy driving a tank very badly
  16. I'm so board not sure what to do. lol
  17. Evening. How are you in this spell of lack of PSU time?
  18. Hello ^.^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18