Conversation Between Stealthcmc1974 and Aquanos

9 Visitor Messages

  1. You're probably right. Still, Challenge is good. PSO2 severely lacks it.
  2. Inb4 Decol Malluda kills the entire MPA
  3. I'd probably do XH once for the challenge, then do VH for teh cubes.

    And I can't WB him, I has no Ranger D:

    I just want a damn XH TD3. Dat EXP... Mmm...
  4. somethings you're gonna wanna know about magatsu
    - He has many heads
    - He has many many gross heads
    - Weak Bullet
    - XH isn't worth it
    - SH is like 50 excubes
    - VH is like 70 excubes
    - This is Attack on Titan...on many scifi drugs.

    hopefully this advice helps.
  5. Wishing there was more exciting things going on in PSO2 atm.

    I still haven't even done Magatsu, but fuck I'm not staying up for it top pop up randomly.
  6. Waiting for proxy to work again
  7. Boo... you're no fun. 3:

    Anyway, what's up?
  8. Hey, buddy! Cut the malarkey!!!
  9. Beep-boop
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9