Conversation Between Leica and Laguna

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry I didn't meetup with you! I was looking for you, but I never checked back here to see where you were. I am already in a full party, but we are having some major lag issues right now.
  3. Then you can stay up with me! If you can handle it.
  4. 15 minutes left... 15 MINUTES. OMG I probably won't go to sleep until... I dunno.

    You planning on pulling an all-nighter? Or do you have work?
  5. Oh, haha. Does your brother have a PSO account?
  6. Is you're brother as old as you?
  7. I was sleeping like a baby. :P

    Anyways, are your friends with you right now? Or are you still going to be waiting on them?
  8. I just woke up from my nap, 30 mins. to go!
  9. Sweet! That's great to hear. Maybe we should meetup and we could play together?
  10. Oh, haha. Yeah, I was bored. Do you plan on playing the OBT when it launches tonight?
  11. Haha, I'm sorry, but do I know you from somewhere?
  12. Bark.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12