Conversation Between Broken_L_button and Reksanden

13 Visitor Messages

  1. I see. Well then, nothing for it: you must enact the aggressive befriending protocol ASAP! It only involves 5 steps and is guaranteed to succeed! *terrible advice incoming*

    1- find random person
    2- lock up random person
    3- Keep random person locked up until they agree to befriend you
    4- ????
    5- FRIEND GET!!
  2. Very well, though I feel alone despite being on a ship with thousands of people. I don't really know anyone here.
  3. Just saying hi

    How did the military treat you?
  4. Casts are amazing, though I'm more of a FOmar now
  5. Stella always looked great in EP3. Also, she's a Cast, and therefore, automatically has my support.
  6. New avi? Not bad.
  7. Oh, ok. Well, there's no big rush.
  8. Alrighty then...Though, I have a few other request lined up already so it might take me a while D:
  9. True. But I messed up on that.... I have one or two pics of my own artwork for them here, and you could always go by my spritework avi... Well, a bit furrier than that one. Kinda hard to show fur in small details with pixels
  10. Well, for that to happen, Seth would need to activate my account first :|
  11. Well, I'd ask you to draw a Zephy (or something like one, but all of my drawings of them were taken with crappy cameras because I don't have a scanner), if it's no trouble. You may have to go to our (TGZ's) forums... Wait, I have a few in my albums here. Just ignore the horrible quality, because of above-mentioned problem.
  12. It's a pleasure to meet you as well!
  13. No, we(or I do) understand. I joined TGZ too late, so I never got to meet you properly. So I suppose my self introduction is this: I'm Reks the White Mage, nice to meet you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13