Conversation Between Lifebane and jonigavin

10 Visitor Messages

  1. yo. do you want to play?
  2. are you there?
  3. yo join my game!
  4. yeah turn the ds off then back on and try to join me through friends
  5. just go to my name and click a then join room
  6. How do I join your room? Duh me.
  7. hey i got me and another join us!
  8. let me know when you get on =)
  9. Lifebane, I'm sorry I missed you Monday! I did not see your request till I returned hours later.. Send me a PM (personal message) and hope next time, let's Friend play!
  10. Hey i see you are on would you like to play?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10