Conversation Between Hagaishi and Alnet

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hmm?? I must of read the japanese wrong then huh? My bad!
  2. Wait, crocodiles? But I haven't played Pitfall or Donkey Kong in years... o_o I think there may be some miscommunication.
  3. Ha ha ha, your welcome! And the Crocodile thing is funny! But you are welcome!
  4. あ、そうそう。
  5. Arigato Alnet chan, Watashi wa Hagaishi desu Dozo yoroshiku. Anata wa kakoiyo! Janna.
  6. はいはい、後で会う、バーディー~
  7. Hey nice art work Hayabusa!!! I had just gotten the new Adobe CS5 Master collection and I was doing a pic some what like that. That's a kick ass pic bro!!! Sup Alnet! Yall guys stay cool!! Obaiyo mina!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7