Conversation Between O no its... OKo/Cmg and DeviFoxx

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well well well...........
  2. THX!.....................
  3. Welcome back, Cmg.
  4. Im back!
  5. Take care, Cmg.
  6. See you...............BYE! BYE!
  7. Titan said i must use it
  8. If its ugly, you don't have to use it.
  9. OK NEW PICS AGAIN CAUSE I FOUND OUT THE UGLY SLICER HAS LVL 1 icap................................its so ugly tho.............
  10. NVM...........i found out............ btw more pics.......*steals xmas gift*
  11. Im just messing with you do you unlock magishi plan on infinity........i have plenty of stones now........................
  12. I generally don't keep an album, because mine would be filled with photos of me doing translation work on the game. The best I could do is post photos of me showing off the gear I have. Unless that's what you want.
  13. NEW PICS! BTW!! ............. WHERE ARE YOURS!
  15. You liked it, baby. You know you did. Don't lie.
  16. You!
  17. You were asking for it.
  18. *GASPS* MEANY!
  19. *Steps on you*

    Who's tiny now?
  20. Super Tiny Lil MIcro..........
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 47
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