Conversation Between Cry0 and LionHeart-

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol tremble :P

    Aw, sorry, I already joined another friend's team. If you want I can ask him to merge teams though? there's a lot of ppl active there too. Otherwise, still no problem, if I see you online, I'll let you know (and you better do the same the other way around! )

    If I'm on it's in the evenings, or some weekends (UK time).

    I totally used your NPC for everything today :P (great looking char btw)
  2. Awesome dude!

    I did feel the Earth tremble on Sunday. Odin spoke of such power being felt in the halls of Valhalla, that manifested on the very same day, coincident? No. Its the rebirth of Cry0 V1.337!

    I did catch your invite, and sent a mail to ! Good stuff! It'll be like your not missing out either as everyone will be level 1 again after the big update for the new classes. So we'll get you up to speed, ASAP!

    You fancy partying up with the team I'm in? Its quite small at the moment but everyone is active enough for you to grab a game, chat or whatever. Most are UK time zoned but a few from the state side also. If not, no problem at all, doesn't make any difference anyways lol!

    Cool stuff. Started a new college course and that, so my activity level will shoot down a bit over the year (have to put it main priority), but I will get as much work done while I'm at college, anyhow lol, so I can relax at home.

    Sweet! See you online dude!
  3. Hey! I've decided to make a character on ship 2

    I'll be on tomorrow (sunday). Character name will be: Cry0 V1.337
    Sega ID: Cry02

    How I mine for fish?
  4. I tried luring him in, but failed... barely. He might be more interested in the enlish version though.
  5. Ohhh! Yeah! I was going to make a Female Human to, to follow Yami from PSOBB. But I made her a Cast on PSU and I utterly enjoyed it. The only major difference is that its either clothes or parts in my opinion, because there isn't any racial bonus's like being immune to stats aligments etc...

    The EU/US should be coming out spring 2013 but I think a beta is on its way soon for us. I think I will be staying on the Japanese servers, as you garuntee content and good services lol. Not sure if I would even bother creating a character on the English servers, dunno though can't really say but at the moment, JP servers is my home lol.

    Cool, cool... Mr 1337 will be a nice addition again lol, even with the minor racial bonus, the Male Cast still has supremacy over meat suits lol... Awesome! Gib pix or it didn't happen lol... Is Aerilas playing or is he doing other things? :P
  6. No, I knew I could only make one character, but wanted one that was available for all classes, so I took a female human. However, if they english servers open, Im definately recreating Mr. 1.337!
    I dont have a good pic on this pc but ill show one later
  7. I think I have lol!

    Awww! Well what I read recently is that they're planning on making it possible to move ships, later on in the coming months. Not saying you should move or anything just some info lol.

    Yeah tell me about it. The first play through seems a grind but its quite a lot of fun because new things always keep on coming your way and you're learning so much! Yeah sure thing, I hope this works lol:

    I reckon you have a Male-Cast? Representing your 1337 dude from PSO !
  8. My pc works just fine You confusing me with someone else I think.
    Ah, Im on ship 8. I guess we'll have to wait until they fuse ships... I'm not really making a new one either, I ust only reached 35 with a hunter and still so much to do!
    Show me pic of your character!
  9. Hahaha! Awesome, dude! I'm doing pretty good thank you, yourself? Does your brother play to? And... Have you got that PC sorted out yet, because the last time if I remember it wasn't in good nick, or was that KidGrifter lol?!

    I'm currently on Ship 2 and have no plans of making a new character on any other lol. What about yourself?
  10. :O my favorite fomar! How you been dude?
    What ship do you play on?
  11. Hey dude! Your old mate Lion from GC/BB/U and now PSO2 ! Just saw your post in a thread you've made about PSO2. Awesome!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11