Conversation Between DEM_CIG and Shin_Damion

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Not right now. I am in Japan and I need to renew y subscription. I should be back online in September sometime.
  2. hey are you still playing psu?
  3. alright... if u need to contact me my GT: is Eternal Aura. Just message me when u see me on and when u would like me to help you.
  4. well normally im on most of the time, you can normally find me on parmus or neudaiz
    right now im on the coloney doing the episode run
  5. Sure I would be glad to help you level up. what time are you usually on the week days?
  6. hey names Damion i have 3 characters online a fo and two hunters at lvl 20 range
    really looking to get stronger and would love the help sometime
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6