Conversation Between TecherRamen and DarthLasek

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Awesome congrats on the Wii! I do have A steam account! my profile name is RedWarBlade and my account name is sandwhiches. add me!! Unfortunately i did get pretty far in pso2 jp. I am a team master of one of the smaller but more reputable ship 10 guilds. theres realy only 3 guilds now, Mine which is Orion, the Zouryx Empire and another called legion. Its a small community so everyone plays with everyone else. I unfortunately dont have a lot of time to play since I got a job and I commute an hour each way on top of it. So im lucky if I get to play an hour or two.. I will be getting the US version as well, I think its going to be PC only tho.. Anyway, add me on steam and keep in touch! what games do you have on there anyway?
  2. I am keeping up with the news, but I'm waiting the the US version to come out. I am definitely getting it for sure! (Don't have a new laptop yet but I have time to figure that out lol). Don't have many games I keep up with at the moment but I will be picking up a Wii U(probably the only one of us out of our PSU group lol) and getting Black Ops 2, the new Monster Hunter and other games. Trying to get my hands on a cheap 360 if I can so I can play online with some of you guys. If you have a steam account I should be on there more often in the upcoming months (Username is also DarthLasek). Glad to hear back from you and that everything is alright! Don't get too far ahead of us in the JP version lol!
  3. Yoooo lasek how've you been? It's great to hear from you. Have you been keeping up with pso news? I'm pretty deep into pso2jp. I have a force named ramen again. The game is. Lot offin. It's much much different from psu. Check itouy if you haven't already. What are you playing these days and do you think you will pick up pso2 when it launches in English ? It should be free to play like in Japan. I think I will make an account so I can play with grinds from time to time.
  4. Saw you had some recent activity so just thought I'd drop by and say what's up!
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