Conversation Between Izanagi00 and Nilkemios

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Merry Christmas kitten. Have a great and happy New Years.
  2. Merry Christmas meow! :3
  3. Sorry about that it really did seem like you finally accepted having to go too.

    Edit: Also you Deleted Exo? o.O!?
  4. They didn't take me in the end. Sorry, it really seemed like I would go.
  5. Sorry for being away for so long, I was still under the weather after we said our goodbyes but I'm feeling much better now I've even started my latest vacation.

    Edit: What happened they didn't take you in?
  6. Meow.
  7. Thanks for showing up today. Sorry things didn't go as planned. Please be okay, I hope you and the others will be around when I get back, meow.
  8. Merry Christmas Riko and have a happy New Years.
  9. I can't go today, there's a lot of wind and snow where I am right neow. I hope you can have fun with the others though.
  10. Hai another good day indeed.
  11. Another great day. :3
  12. Yeah it was fun it was a pretty busy day yesterday.
  13. Meow! I hope you had a lotta fun nya! :3 Today was great!
  14. Thanks meow. :3 Yeah, I'm just glad I don't have to hunt it anymore.
  15. Riko you finally got SY!? Damn I missed it oh well sorry I couldn't congratulate you in game. Congrats tho it is a well deserved weapon after all the time you put into the game(make sure you keep it in good condition don't want it to rust in battle on you) after two years that wep finally has the nerve of showing it self to you.
  16. Aww. Nighty night. :3
  17. I'm gonna log off for now Ttyl Riko.
    Mata ne(See you later)
  18. Ah kk, I'll see if I can log on next week but I'll have to limit the amount of time I play from now on maybe to just an hour.
  19. It was really chilly and windy outside, so I didn't do much meow. But it was okee.
  20. Thanks Riko did you have a good Black Friday?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 53
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