Conversation Between Evegodenraven and レッドファンタシースター

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy New Years! └( ̄▽ ̄*)
  2. Hey fat arse!
  3. you just have to add the msn user on your MSN screen and you'll join it
  4. I don't know how to join the msn group -.-
  5. awe. i do have skype... but i don't log on it much.. it's just there to be not used lol... i'm usually on the msn group chat or vent
  6. ah do you have a skype and I'm getting bored of psp2i already :L
  7. not much. just trying to do some things. thinking about buying psp2i and importing... cause i don't think it's coming over.....
  8. Its me Dave or Mamimi I lost my pass so I made this account :I FFFFFFFFUUUUUUU.... anyways wazzap?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8